Improve Your Sales with This Magic Question

Improve Your Sales with This Magic Question

When Tyler launched his electronics business, he was full of excitement. He’d invested significant capital in the launch and it paid off. The first few months were busy and he saw much of his inventory clear off the shelves. He was excited about this early...
The #1 Ingredient to Effective Marketing

The #1 Ingredient to Effective Marketing

Pop quiz: What do you consider your top three challenges as a business owner? If you included marketing in your top three, congratulations… you’re normal! Finding a way to stand out from the crowd is one of the top challenges most business owners face....
Do I Really Need A Mission Statement?

Do I Really Need A Mission Statement?

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” That powerful quote is from Simon Sinek’s TED Talk. If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to watch it! Gather a group of business owners together in a room and ask them to share their...
Is it Time to Sharpen Your Axe?

Is it Time to Sharpen Your Axe?

There is a story about a lumberjack who purchased a forest. His goal was to cut down all of the trees as quickly as he could and sell the lumber so that he could invest in more forests. And so, he grabbed his trusty axe and started swinging. The first few trees fell...