by Trefor Munn-Venn | Blog, Success
Everyone seeks success in some form. For some it is focused on business while others are seeking it in their personal lives. In our work, we spend an extraordinary amount of time working with leaders in all kinds of organizations—from solopreneurs to the leaders of...
by Trefor Munn-Venn | Life Coaching
A Powerful Alternative To Resolutions When you look at last year and consider all that happened, did it turn out the way you intended? The purpose of that question isn’t to make you feel badly if your year didn’t go as planned, but to open up a more...
by Trefor Munn-Venn | Public Speaking, Social Media, Trust
Social Media is Full of Contradiction When talking about social media, some people will say “Just get started, it’s free” while others will tell you how time and resources intensive it is. Some will say “Anyone can do it so jump right in” while others are...
by Trefor Munn-Venn | Leadership
The Strategic Value of Community For all the discussion about the idea of community, there’s very little focus on the strategic value it brings to an organization and how to make that happen. This is a serious issue. Genuinely participating in a community...