by Eric Deschamps | Business Effectiveness
Far too often, business owners are prisoners to the tyranny of the urgent. With a heavy load on their shoulders and endless tasks and responsibilities, they get caught reacting to the crises that happen regularly in their business (both big and small). Feeling...
by Eric Deschamps | Success
Have you ever made serious mistakes in your life or business that cost you dearly? Have those mistakes ever left you feeling defeated and discouraged? Learning from failure is crucial to long-term success. Consider the following insurance claim filed by an injured...
by Eric Deschamps | Leadership
You can’t handle the truth! The unforgettable scene from “A Few Good Men” with Jack Nicholson drives home an unfortunate reality: many of us can’t handle the truth. Often, we build illusions and constructs to avoid telling ourselves the truth...
by Eric Deschamps | Blog, Passion, Personal Effectiveness, Success
You’ve likely heard of the expression dog days of summer, the most sultry time of the summer in July and August when it gets hot and steamy, and we blame it for our lethargy and inactivity. And it’s a synonym for those times in our lives–or our...