Thinking Partners or Echo Chambers?

Thinking Partners or Echo Chambers?

I often listen to Ted Talks in the car while driving. It is a great way to feed and stimulate my mind as I travel back and forth to various locations. Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to Margaret Heffernan’s talk, “Dare to...
The Success is in the DOING!

The Success is in the DOING!

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. ~ Charles F. Kettering In a previous blog post, I wrote about The Power of Perseverance. I’m going to expand on that a little further today… Allow me to state the obvious: Success is only achieved if you...
Are You Playing the Blame Game?

Are You Playing the Blame Game?

When you blame others you give up your power to change. ~Robert Anthony Successful people take full responsibility for their wins and losses. The don’t play the blame game. They refuse to go through life finger-pointing and making excuses. They are pro-active...