by Eric Deschamps | Success
I often listen to Ted Talks in the car while driving. It is a great way to feed and stimulate my mind as I travel back and forth to various locations. Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to Margaret Heffernan’s talk, “Dare to...
by Eric Deschamps | Business Effectiveness
Why do so many business owners struggle to stay on track with their goals and dreams? Why do they fall prey to “drift” so frequently and fall short of their full potential? In most cases, it is because they don’t understand what real business...
by Eric Deschamps | Leadership
Famous advice columnist Ann Landers once published an interesting letter in her column. It was from a young lady who was writing about her aunt and uncle. She wrote: “My uncle was the tightest man I’ve ever known. All his life, every time he got paid he took $20 out...
by Eric Deschamps | Success
Have you ever made serious mistakes in your life or business that cost you dearly? Have those mistakes ever left you feeling defeated and discouraged? Learning from failure is crucial to long-term success. Consider the following insurance claim filed by an injured...
by Eric Deschamps | Success
Imagine someone walking up to you today and handing you $10,000 tax-free! The only catch? You must invest the entire sum in order to get the greatest ROI (return on investment) possible. Stop and ask yourself the following questions: How would you invest that money?...