A picture and a question…
First, the picture.
Imagine yourself twelve months from now. A full year has elapsed. What has changed? What are you celebrating? What are you disappointed about? Are you ahead of your goals? Are you behind? Are you stalled out or stuck?
Now the question.
Are you playing your best game? And if not, why not?
Why Most People Don’t Play a Bigger Game.
Deep down, you know you’re meant for more. You know you’re capable of being more, doing more, accomplishing more… And yet knowing this and living it are two completely different issues. Often it’s the knowledge of your personal potential that haunts you when you compare it to your current performance.
In all of my work as a Business Coach with business owners and professionals in Ottawa and across Canada, I have become firmly convinced that one of the leading reasons we fail to live up to our full potential is this: we don’t think deeply enough about what we want out of life and where we’re heading.
We don’t think deeply enough about what we want out of life and where we’re heading.
Perhaps like many people, you’re moving at the speed of light, running from one agenda item to another, confusing activity with productivity and filling up your calendar with lesser priorities that hold you back.
Although you’ve achieved a measure of success, you’re not as focused as you know you should be. Your attention is divided, and your results are diluted. You feel like a winner who is losing. Something isn’t quite right. Something is holding you back.
You feel like a winner who is losing.
You experience moments of clarity and advancement but struggle to stay in that place of forward momentum.
10 Fierce Questions to Help You Play a Bigger Game.
How do you play a bigger game in life and business? Consider holding “management meetings in the mirror” on a regular basis and asking yourself some really fierce questions… questions that will help you reflect deeply on where you’re going, what you want and how to get there.
Better yet, why not explore these questions with one of our coaches and create an action plan for change?
- Why did I go into this business in the first place? Why do I stay?
- What do I really want?
- How have my goals changed over time? Why?
- Where do I see myself and my business in 1, 5, 10 years?
- What makes my business better than my competition?
- How do I measure success in my life and business?
- Am I stuck in any aspect of my business?
- What is the biggest challenge on my plate today?
- What would it take to resolve that challenge?
- What impact would the resolution have on my bottom line?
These FIERCE QUESTIONS lead to highly COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS and SMART GOALS that drive RESULTS. Asking these questions regularly will empower you to take your results to the next level. Failing to ask them will doom you and your business to a life of mediocrity.
Play a bigger game. Let your vision be your road map to success. Start the conversation today!