Soon after the completion of Disney World someone said, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt Disney didn’t live to see this!” Mike Vance, creative director of Disney Studios, replied, “He did see it – that’s why it’s here.”
Your vision gives you a reason for getting up and showing up. It translates into purpose. If you don’t get up and show up, something important won’t be accomplished! Suddenly, you matter… You matter a lot! Your life has a deep sense of meaning. Without you, what could be – what should be – won’t be!
Many people suffer from poor self-esteem. They don’t believe that they have much to offer, that their life counts for anything significant. But people with a dream know that they matter. Their life is part of a much bigger story, and they have a key part to play in the unfolding of that tale.
Vision gives you an important link between your current reality and the future. It gives your life purpose, meaning. And purpose provides the MOMENTUM to move you through the obstacles that would otherwise slow you down and trip you up.
Are you meant for more?
What’s life like with purpose? It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world, perhaps best felt the moment you discover and commit to it. No longer “lost at sea” and being thrown here and there, you now have a strong anchor that enables you to withstand the storms of life.
It’s such an empowering feeling to have purpose. You feel truly “alive” in every sense of the word. Your days become much brighter. There’s a glimmer in your eye and a bounce in your step. Problems and obstacles become relative as you put them in proper perspective. You become satisfied with the decisions you make in your life. All your actions and thoughts begin to revolve around your purpose and life as you know it begins to “shape” and “mould” itself according to it.
What’s your purpose?
Study the lives of successful men and women from the beginning of history and you will always find, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that having purpose in their lives played a central role in their success. Their purpose was something much greater than themselves and they genuinely loved pursuing it.
Whatever your purpose is, when you find it, own it – make it your own. Watch as your life slowly sculpts around it, delivering the necessary resources to aid in your pursuit of it. Make an impact; Live life on purpose!
Are you ready to wrestle with tough questions and get really clear on who you are and what you’re building?
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